Buzzed Bands Drinking Game

Buzzed Bands Drinking Game
By Kheper GamesItem # 6026

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Buzzed Bands is a hilarious drinking game by Kheper Games that involves elastic bands with printed "Drink or Dare" messages. Each player puts a Buzzed Band on either his or her bottle, wrist, or cup. Players hang out as they normally would at a party while also acting out their Buzzed Band dares every few minutes or take a drink if you don't. Switch bands when you encounter the person with the "switch bands" band and take on a new challenge! Play continues until a player has received the "Switch Bands" band for a third time or make up your own rules to exchange the bands at designated times.
  • Size: Each Band Measures .375" x 3.75" Diameter
Contains 10 bands, one of each:
Fill up and finish your drink, then switch bands.
Drink when someone says your name.
Drink when someone says the word "drink".
Whistle while you walk OR take a drink.
Tell stupid jokes every two minutes OR take a drink.
Use only dance moves to move OR take a drink.
Speak only with fake accents OR take a drink.
Kiss hands when greeting people OR take a drink.
Laugh maniacally when spoken to OR take a drink.
Flirt during conversation OR take a drink.